Introducing Urvashi, a strong and ambitious Young girl from the charming neighborhood of Kopar Khairane, who aspires to become a high-class call girl in Thane. With a vision for excellence and a determination to succeed, Urvashi brings a blend of sophistication and charm to her endeavors. Eager to elevate his status in the world of companionship, he is committed to honing his skills and providing exceptional services to his discerning clients. Despite her current status, Urvashi has a natural magnetism and a deep understanding of the finer things in life, which sets her apart as a true gem in the industry. With her grace, charm and unwavering dedication to excellence, she aspires to redefine the standards of luxury companionship in Thane. Join Urvashi on her journey as she strives to be the epitome of beauty and sophistication, leaving a lasting impression wherever she goes.
thane, India
Contact Urvashi to given number for more information.
Information of Urvashi
Name: | Urvashi |
Age: | 23 |
Height: | 5'6 |
Location: | kopar khairane, thane, India |
Language: | English, Hindi |
Nationality: | Indian |
Profile Type: | High Profile | VIP |
Bust-Waist-Hip: | 32-28-34 |
Blowjob | Shower Together |
Handjob | Cum On Body |
Massage | Couple Threesome |
Oral Sex | Ball Licking |
69 | GFE |
Cum On Face | Kissing |
Titty Fuck | In Call |
Anal | Out Call |
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